The webcam is located at in the inland in a height of 212 m NHN. The webcam image is broadcasted live (<1min or stream) and an archive is avaiable. The ground is visible for a clear identification of precipitation. The Sky is clearly visible to see clouds and weather. Blick auf die 1833 erbaute, überdachte Holzbrücke "The Great Eddy Covered Bridge", die auch "The Big Eddy Covered Bridge" oder "Waitsfield Covered Bridge" genannt wird. Die Brücke ermöglicht die Überquerung des Flusses "Mad River". View to the 1833 built, covered wooden bridge "The Great Eddy Covered Bridge", also called "The Big Eddy Covered Bridge" or "Waitsfield Covered Bridge". The bridge functions as a crossing of "Mad River".
Sunrise: UTC 12:02 CEST 13:02
Sunset: UTC 22:08 CEST 23:08