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  1. Camuo
  2. Webcams
  3. North America
  4. United States of America (USA)
  5. Pacifica
  6. Mori Point
More about this webcam


The webcam is located at at the coast in a height of 7 m NHN. The webcam image is broadcasted live (<1min or stream) and an archive is avaiable. The ground is visible for a clear identification of precipitation. The Sky is clearly visible to see clouds and weather. Blick vom Sharp Park Beach Areal auf Mori Point an der Pazifikküste. Der Ort befindet sich unweit von San Francisco. Es stehen weitere Blickwinkel zur Verfügung, unter Anderem ein direkter Blick auf den Strand sowie eine Ansicht vom Pacific Municipal Pier. View from the Sharp Park Beach area to Mori Point and the Pacific coast. The place is close to San Fransisco. Multiple viewing angles are available, for example a closeup of to the beach and a view showing Pacific Municipal Pier.

Sunrise: UTC 15:07 CEST 16:07
Sunset: UTC 01:40 CEST 02:40

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